In the last 12 months, have you struggled to fall asleep at night? Do you stay up too late? Sick or fatigued more than normal? Feeling hopeless, anxious, depressed, or unable to concentrate? You may be one of the Americans whose habits and routines around sleep have changed during the relentlessness of the pandemic – and it’s disrupting your body’s natural way to function.
According to a 2021 report, Americans searched Google about sleep issues almost 5 million times every month! Between drastic changes and uncertain times, our bodies are struggling to adhere to routines – throwing off our body’s natural clock (circadian rhythm). Ultimately, this is when stress, anxiety, and depression rise in response.
The growing sleep deprivation is a great concern for our families, businesses, and economy. Without enough (and quality) sleep, our physical and mental health go through a series of changes that end up impacting our entire life.
Every morning, you’ll receive an email that includes a new sleep tip, what research has shown about it, and suggestions on how to incorporate this new tip into your sleep routine.